2005-10-17 - Philadelphia
Tour: Vertigo Tour
Canzoni suonate: 23
Registrazioni audio: 2
Video: 1
  1. Hamish Hamilton was really going through some tough times on Vertigo Tour.
  2. I’m afraid to post anything new after my burn
  3. It's a rough start, but it'll get better
  4. When Adam actually played the keyboard part
  5. Is this a 2 cam mix?
  6. That's a good start but it's not the same thing without "the more you know, the less you know"

    Anyway, I really prefer Love And Peace Or Else as the intro song and then straight into Vertigo
  7. Originally posted by Federico_Toni:That's a good start but it's not the same thing without "the more you know, the less you know"

    Anyway, I really prefer Love And Peace Or Else as the intro song and then straight into Vertigo
    Oh yeah that was a great opener!