2018-10-23 - London
Turnê: Experience and Innocence tour
Músicas tocadas: 24
Gravações de áudio: 3
Vídeos: 1
  1. Great 2 shows, both better than Paris1 and Paris2.

    London 1 was the peak for me...GLORIA and first time for a long time deserting The Fly, Zoo Station, Stay (it was deep). Acrobat is a total triumph.

    Mini-highlight at London2 when the girl in front had a sign saying Spanish so at the start of Vertigo Bono came right over with the mike and said...'you speak Spanish?' & passed it to her for the first Uno-dos-tre catorze(or however you spell it!)

    The new songs are working really well...even some that were pretty lame last year.

    We chose the exact same spot for both nights since it was so good...8pm E-stage, 2 back.

    U2 are pretty much firing on all cylinders, they are on form, they look happy, they are bringing this tour/phase/sequence/story to a dramatic climax....roll on Berlin 2.5 !
  2. Amazing

    London 2

  3. I there was a gantry full of TV cameras in front on the centre blocks upper tier
  4. https://www.dropbox.com/s/rt4j4cfotu1xbch/U2%20%40%20London%20O2%202018-10-24.jpg?dl=0

    Probably best photo I've got quality-wise from the night (I think I've murdered my phone's lens by taking pictures of sunsets all the time!). Not adding it to the forum as don't think it quite meets the criteria, but you can just about make out Adam smiling - and that's what struck me about the night, all 4 of them were beaming throughout and they had such an energy about them. I felt so lucky being only a couple of bodies from the B(E?)-stage so I literally see the whites of the eyes. Wonderful night. Never thought it'd be possible to enjoy a U2 gig without Streets et al but man alive what a night.

    EDIT - for some reason it's not uploading properly nor linking correctly with the img coding so just sticking the link there instead!
  5. Just got back home about an hour ago. Absolutely shattered. Had 2 great shows. Was Rough as anything on Wednesday Morning but drank through it again! Great time with great friends too!
  6. Originally posted by WojBhoy:https://www.dropbox.com/s/rt4j4cfotu1xbch/U2%20%40%20London%20O2%202018-10-24.jpg?dl=0

    Probably best photo I've got quality-wise from the night (I think I've murdered my phone's lens by taking pictures of sunsets all the time!). Not adding it to the forum as don't think it quite meets the criteria, but you can just about make out Adam smiling - and that's what struck me about the night, all 4 of them were beaming throughout and they had such an energy about them. I felt so lucky being only a couple of bodies from the B(E?)-stage so I literally see the whites of the eyes. Wonderful night. Never thought it'd be possible to enjoy a U2 gig without Streets et al but man alive what a night.

    EDIT - for some reason it's not uploading properly nor linking correctly with the img coding so just sticking the link there instead!
    Harry. You must’ve been like 3 or 4 people away from me!

  7. Found a video of London2 on YouTube:

    I recorded audio of both concerts and will share once mastering is done.
  8. e stage . Location location location
  9. Only audio. I Recorded a few short videos but I probably won't share those.

    There was a bad cable or something on the first concert though, so the left-channel looks and sounds awful. Right-channel should hopefully be usable. (I'm not making the mastering... I'm the worst at audio editing)