2018-10-19 - Manchester
Turne: Experience and Innocence tour
Songs played: 24
Ses kayıtları: 1
Videolar: 1

  1. The Experience and Innocence tour will hit Manchester, England.
    This topic is for all discussions pre, during and post-show!

    2018-10-19 - Manchester, England - Manchester Arena
    2018-10-20 - Manchester, England - Manchester Arena

    Will you be at any of the E+I shows? Click on the date, and then add yourself to the list of attendees.

    Coverage from U2start
    We will be there as well represented by some crew members, and we'll provide you extensive coverage via Twitter and Instagram mainly, with some bigger updates through our Facebook. Make sure to follow us where you can

    Other relevant topics
    We have a topic dedicated to the tour in general, with spoilers.
    And a general tour topic, spoiler free.
  2. Really looking forward to these, especially after being at Berlin 2
  3. Going to both of these. Getting a bit excited now.
  4. Right so my girlfriend is going with me to Manchester 1 so we have tickets together now so I am selling my original ticket I bought. I got it after fees for £211. It's block 102 row U if anyone is interested. I would be willing to take a bit less for it as I'd rather it go to a fan than some arsehole who would try make money from it.
  5. These will be the shows of tour i feel........
  6. Thats what im hoping for. They haven't played here in a while. For some reason Im really excited about the Manc shows but not the London ones.
  7. Trust me Remy they are gonna break the Joshua Tree rule here and play WOWY including Love will tear us apart......Remember this post haha
  8. Originally posted by andyuk36:[..]
    Trust me Remy they are gonna break the Joshua Tree rule here and play WOWY including Love will tear us apart......Remember this post haha
    Haha I will do man! See you there