2018-06-17 - Washington
Turnê: Experience and Innocence tour
Músicas tocadas: 26
Gravações de áudio: 1
  1. Planning on hitting (and taping) both shows. Don’t have a ticket to either yet though...
  2. Looks like there was a small ticket drop for DC1. Tried to get 2 GAs but was out of luck... Lasted about 20 seconds.
  3. Haha, that's my man We're risk lovers aren't we?

    You'll get those tickets no problem I'm sure. And thanks for planning on taping the shows!! Your 2015 & 2017 tapes are fantastic Let those Church Audio 11's shine!
  4. Has GA madness commenced ?
  5. Also, I've got two seats in 429 (Edge's side) for 6/17 that I'm selling for face value. PM me if you're interested!
  6. @u2 retweeted a rumors these shows will be filmed. Guy was talking to tour director.
  7. -Yeah, guys, let's record our new DVD at a show which isn't even close to sold-out! How does that sound to you?

  8. Maybe Washington will be more of a trial run with the release coming from somewhere else. The u2.com video clips show that they are filming at every show to some extent so they’ll maybe just up the number of cameras etc in preparation.
  9. Originally posted by LikeASong:[..]
    Haha, that's my man We're risk lovers aren't we?

    You'll get those tickets no problem I'm sure. And thanks for planning on taping the shows!! Your 2015 & 2017 tapes are fantastic Let those Church Audio 11's shine!
    glad you like them! Managed to get my hand on a friends and family GA for Sunday a front row 400 level for Monday. Should be fun
  10. For anyone in Washington, I have free tickets for tonight and tomorrow (seats) thanks to a very kind fan. Anyone interested please let me know.
  11. My niece has GA for tonight. Venue site says " At 4 pm guests can line up in numerical order of wristbands outside Stairwell 1.
    If all the wristbands have not been issued prior to 4 pm, guests that did not receive a wristband will line up first come, first serve"

    does anyone know if you get a numbered wristband that you have to be in line at 4pm to get your numerical spot? or can you show up a little later and still get your numerical spot even if other people lined up at 4pm?