2018-05-26 - Nashville
Тур: Experience and Innocence tour
Песен исполнено: 26
аудиозаписи: 2
  1. Is the hour countdown at the top off by an hour?
  2. The gig will probably start in just under 4 and a half hours or 1.30 utc time roughly.
  3. Uh oh, this is not good if it replaces that song...

    Spoiler (click to toggle)
  4. Originally posted by Larlar:[..]
    are we talking a replacement of
    Spoiler (click to toggle)
    SATS? bc if it is, i will be HIGHLY disappointed.
    That does make sense since they mostly do that one acoustically . I would be too....
  5. Fuck off in the face if they do that.
  6. I’m happy about the spoiler but wouldn’t be happy if they did what suggested, just add the song instead of replacing anything.