1. Instagram stories tells us they are recording ordinary love for the bbc special right now
  2. I think there’s a good chance ordinary love could be a regular on the E&I tour, I’ll be quite happy with that.
  3. Bono seems to like that scarf
  4. Would love to catch this one in the flesh *Fingers crossed*

    I'm hoping for a nice 20-30 minute mini-set mid-show down on the e-stage, the perfect opportunity to play this and mix up the setlist a little bit from night to night.
  5. Larry wearing his JT30 Tour shirt??
  6. I really like Ordinary Love, I hope it finally becomes a regular. It's still one of the U2 songs I've heard most frequently on the radio, so I guess that means it's established some kind of popularity.
  7. It was definitely better received (for the wide audience, that is) than any SOI song so it makes perfect sense that they're playing more often. I don't have a problem with it, although I would rather hear an electric version than the half arsed acoustic one
  8. glad they didn't leave it behind
  9. Originally posted by LikeASong:It was definitely better received (for the wide audience, that is) than any SOI song so it makes perfect sense that they're playing more often. I don't have a problem with it, although I would rather hear an electric version than the half arsed acoustic one
    Only because it was for an Oscar/nominated movie and because SoI's release strategy just pissed everyone off.