2017-06-23 - Toronto
Trasa: Joshua Tree Tour 2017
Wykonane utwory: 23
Nagrania audio: 2
  1. i have been doing that actually. i got the 1st 5 songs done
  2. Originally posted by roseman:[..]

    I've taped shows myself in the past for other bands... I just wasn't sure what a typical timeframe for turnaround of u2 shows is... Whether it's a few days, or a few months...
    Depends on the taper ultimately. I know a couple tapers were there. Whether or not they'll release is up to them.
  3. Originally posted by hoserama:[..]
    Depends on the taper ultimately. I know a couple tapers were there. Whether or not they'll release is up to them.
    Anyone hear any rumours or updates on a Toronto tape? I had to forego Buffalo, so I'd love to hear some memories from a great show!
  4. Nothing as of yet man! I was at the Buffalo show and surprising a decent sounding recording has already been released. Would be great to have the Toronto show. My son's first U2 concert.
  5. still hoping for a release of this at some point... I wish U2 would release their shows like Springsteen or Pearl Jam. This was a show I would definitely purchase!
  6. Tapers I know are not currently planning on releasing in near future.

    Agreed about U2 releasing recordings like Pearl Jam. Until then, we'll just have to rely on regular tapers. As always, I'll encourage the people in this thread to take this as a learning experience and consider taping for yourself at upcoming shows.
  7. I find that a pretty prickish thing to do to be honest. If you are going to make the effort to tape why not release it? Oh taped a concert from a band that allows you to do it.

    If it were me I’d love to share that with the people who went. I still listen to the shows I attended and they feel so special.
  8. Get some taping gear and share!
  9. And make no mistake, U2 does NOT allow you to tape. If you are found, best case scenario is you'll be ejected. Worst case is gear confiscated and handed over to homeland security. No joke.
  10. Originally posted by hoserama:And make no mistake, U2 does NOT allow you to tape. If you are found, best case scenario is you'll be ejected. Worst case is gear confiscated and handed over to homeland security. No joke.
    Thank you for your answers. I've always wondered about the this question: is bootleg sharing allowed by U2? And will it be dangerous to download or upload bootlegs in the near future with stronger copyright law surveillance?