2017-07-25 - Paris
Tour: Joshua Tree Tour 2017
Songs played: 23
Audio recordings: 3
Videos: 1
  1. America...what the?
  2. More passion in Heroes than his own songs.
  3. Filtering some bass out and adding a little high to my mixlr ...and it doesn't sound that bad...for a mixlr
  4. Damn good Heroes snippet
  5. No Héros?
  6. Good Sound in this Mixrl!
  7. So the French invented America? I thought it was croissants and coq-aux-vin ...

  8. There is a bill in the US to include Ireland as state 51.

    I think!
  9. Pride!
  10. French words - ✓
    Epic night of rock - ✓
    Dodgy lyric
    Turn off the lights Willie
    I'd like to thank...
    Womankind, elevate my mind
    Eight million, three million in Africa
    Strange ending
    America - ✓
    United States of America - ✓
    I love America
    You love America
    America's an idea
    Did I say America yet?
    I'm afraid of Americans
    USA! USA! USA!