2017-05-24 - Houston
Turnê: Joshua Tree Tour 2017
Músicas tocadas: 22
Gravações de áudio: 1
  1. Hopefully ASOH will return.
  2. Tonight will be the big test. Is it staying and only gets left out of N2's, or is it gone altogether...
  3. It will suck either way actually.

    Spoiler (click to toggle)
    I forgive them as long as it returns for Dublin tho
  4. Would be good though if they played ASOH both nights in Chicago and it turned out just to be a one off exclusion, I still hold out a little hope that's the case.
  5. Is there a bootleg yet?
  6. No, but the blu-ray dvd. Freeleech, of course.
  7. Check your upload queue, it should be there.

    I Still Haven't Found My DeLorean
  8. Didn't you know that concerts start earlier in Europe when they are played in USA?
    How silly of you Gerard