1. I need a way of presenting my concert tickets and wristbands. They're just in an envelope at the minute.
  2. I need to frame a few things, that Twickenham newpaper ad is good but it's from a newspaper. Not the best quality. I have 5 of them if anyone wants one.
  3. Originally posted by DutchU2Fan:[..]
    Sorry forgot to post it
    For every concert I went to I made a (fake) setlist, in the same style that the artist made them, and I put that together with the concert tickets in a binder. Here are 2 examples:
    Fake setlist is not for me. I prefer having the real thing

  4. Is the Another Time Another Place Live vinyl worth €28?
  5. Which one? The old fan club vinyl or the gift from 2 years ago? If the first, yes. If the 2nd, no.
  6. Ah, yeah, I didn't remember about the 1980 one But I thought and guess he meant the 2015 gift!
  7. Yeah, the 2015 is a dime a dozen on ebay, although they do seem to be going up in price. A few months ago you could buy it for under $10.
  8. I am talking about this one:
  9. Yeah. Did you look on e-bay? Looks like you can still find one for around $10. Last month I saw they were everywhere for $6 - $8. I guess the market is starting to shrink and pricing is trending upward...