1987-12-20 - Tempe
Turnê: Joshua Tree Tour
Músicas tocadas: 23
Gravações de áudio: 2
  1. I love the coda
  2. If this doesn't get you out of your seat, nothing will
  3. Beast of a song.
  4. Adam
  5. Serious shit is about to happen
  6. Entering at Exit. Lovely
  7. Sounds like Bono wants to keep in the song but Larry breaks him and decided finish the song
  8. I think he wanted to extend the "glorias", like in other show that I can't remember, but yes, pulled out at the end
  9. yes... i can't remember exactly where, but I remember Bono extending the glorias and doing some "yeah yeah yeah's"
  10. Originally posted by fleavox:[..]
    yes... i can't remember exactly where, but I remember Bono extending the glorias and doing some "yeah yeah yeah's"
    Vertigo snippet?