2001-10-25 - New York
Turne: Elevation Tour
Songs played: 20
Ses kayıtları: 4
Videolar: 1
  1. I'm off to the Mixlr chat where the fun people hang out

  2. Let's try and be more talkative tonight...
  3. Another one that goes to the cool kids' table.
  4. Where else would you wanna be? New York City!
  5. So this song only got 1 vote so far in our 40 fav songs poll. I never even consider it but it's damn good live !!
  6. It's awful, but it's great fun.
  7. It's because everyone is sick of it at this point, but it works great live.
  8. The lyrics are just great. Best U2 song ever.

  9. Hey it's better than the-

    I'll stop there to avoid offence.
  10. Y-y-young Americans!