1993-08-12 - London
Trasa: ZOO TV
Wykonane utwory: 23
Nagrania audio: 1
  1. I'm ready
  2. Ready for the laughing gas! Chasing to get home in time..
  3. I'm ready for the push...
  4. We're live!
  5. Pre-show music now
  6. Theme: innovative artists in the early/mid 90s, like Zooropa
  7. Tuning in
  8. Massive Attack?
  9. Yep Massive Attack "Safe From Harm"
    I could put the entire Blue Lines album, what an LP!
  10. I wouldn't complain.
  11. But we haven't come all the way out here to hear that now have we?!
  12. PJ Harvey Dress