1993-08-12 - London
Tour: ZOO TV
Gespielte Songs : 23
Audio-Aufnahmen: 1
  1. I was at this show, and will certainly give this one a listen with you all !!
  2. Great! Looking forward to seeing all of you
  3. Your posts will be extra appreciated then. Let the memories flow
  4. I was there...what a night, what a show! Was it really 23 years ago.,,
  5. Tuning in to this one for sure. What a great show, the Wembley ones were all great. And, Babyface was played there
  6. Hi Dane. Good to see you here.
    Yeah, it will be a blast.
  7. Hi César
    Great show you're hosting
  8. I really wish this wasn't on at 5am in my time zone... sadly I can't convince myself this is a good enough reason to get up that early on a Sunday!

    I'll have to listen to it some other time. I still regret declining an invitation from a friend to see ZooTV in Melbourne.
  9. Originally posted by Alisaura:I really wish this wasn't on at 5am in my time zone... sadly I can't convince myself this is a good enough reason to get up that early on a Sunday!

    I'll have to listen to it some other time. I still regret declining an invitation from a friend to see ZooTV in Melbourne.
    Wow, declining such an invitation is something that must pursue you in the worst nightmares, even 23 years later Sorry for you.
  10. Really looking forward to this show tonight. I probably have heard it some time far away in the past but can't remember anything from it
  11. Tick tock tick tock
  12. Less than an hour to go! (we'll start the transmission 20 minutes before the hour)