1985-01-31 - Cologne
Trasa: Unforgettable Fire Tour
Wykonane utwory: 18
Nagrania audio: 2
  1. Yep
  2. Originally posted by Remy:[..]
    We should.

    Even better, we should find the 10 greatest versions of Bad and broadcast them as one big liveshow.
    In sequence?! Fantastic idea.

  3. Larry now is like: can we go now? My arms are killing me!
  4. Clannad!
  5. Liveshow marathon. Onward!
  6. Harry's Theme is the perfect closing, and brings back the Red Rocks memories that started with 11 O'Clock Closing the circle.
  7. Thanks for the setlist party everyone!
  8. Great show and thanks for joining us in the air (my pleasure). Sorry for the Zoo TV interlude, I'm on a Zoo phase nowadays! This TUF boot has been nice for a change
  9. If you feel like it, you can leave a review of the show, or download the boot here.
  10. Yeah, These live shows are great.