1997-05-03 - Salt Lake City
Turnê: Popmart
Músicas tocadas: 23
Gravações de áudio: 3
Vídeos: 1
  1. Only 3 hours to go.
  2. Actually, PA music will start half an hour before the show, so you can tune in early.
  3. Have fun folks! I'll probably tune in for the second half after work
  4. Popmart! I think I can finally make the full show today
  5. That's PA music and hype building from yourself I hope?
  6. That was code for "I made a playlist and let's pretend it comes from the PA sound".
  7. I want exposition and narration, and I want it full Remy.
  8. When Remy hosted the first liveshow after the tour ended he talked over the PA music for a bit.
  9. I can do that.
    It's not a random playlist, actually. The theme is "1997".
  10. He also did it for the Zoo TV broadcast