1. Just because you might think something doesn't make it real.
    The taper provided his ticket scan with his initial upload and it was confirmed to be december 4th.
    Why should you believe overwise ?
  2. Hahaha I just read Cesar's review of 1980-11-21 - Edinburgh, Scotland

    Wow that recording is bad. I figured out that Touch is being played on the preview. A great song btw.
  3. We didn't have any source at all, so something is better than nothing at all.
    Regarding the Paris shows:
    I offered arguments, not wishful thinking. Clearly all recordings have the same content, so either all come from Dec. 3rd or all come from Dec. 4th. In any case, there's something to correct there.
    I don't care what date it was. It is a great recording and everyone is free to listen to it.
  4. I can't believe I listened to the whole thing for my review.
  5. You could as well have listened to a badly syntonized FM station for 50 minutes.
  6. Show of the month for March? Or perhaps a liveshow?
  7. It's the closest to a Larry's IEM from 1980.
  8. An improvement over the old source in 1981-02-01 London now in our pages. This show has the first performance ever (by U2) of All Along The Watchtower. Want to see how it went? Download the show.

    Spoiler (click to toggle)
    It sucked balls big time
  9. A better recording of 1989-11-17 Sydney courtesy of Gustavo (fleavox) now in our pages.
    This is a great show.
  10. Hey guys, I have a message from both my ears and they say:
    "Keep those i&e IEM coming!!"
    --end of transmission. DTFP16