1983-03-24 - Glasgow
Tour: War Tour
Liedjes gespeeld: 20
Audio opnames: 7
  1. Speaking of Glasgow and Surrender, the version in Glasgow 1 year after in the UF tour is my favorite. Bono saying something about "having the eggs and the fucking chicken too" and "I want Bruce Springsteen to be the president of the United States". Epic.
  2. She got herself up on the 48th floor, Gotta find out, Find out what she's living for!

    Ross, what?! Could be worse. Red Light?
  3. Hey don't talk about Red Light. I love Red Light Would love to see it live!

    Yep Remy.. that will never happen
  4. I've always loved the slide guitar in this song.
  5. Billie Jean, is not my lover...
  6. What a snippetry in this early show.
  7. MJ snippet!
  8. Well, The Refugee is the real lemon of the album, but Surrender and Red Light are not too far behind for me. Everything else on there is extraordinary imo.
  9. New Year's Day. Still my favourite U2 song of all.
  10. Larry's drums sound great.