2015-07-10 - Boston
Tour: Innocence and Experience tour
Songs played: 27
Audio recordings: 5
  1. Not as many in a show on any tour previously, no.

    I'm going home!

  2. Someone should find out what the latest show with the fewest amount of snippets is.
  3. A B S O U T E L Y W O N D E R F U L
  4. Yeah, Bono should've let the crowd sing it
  5. So you muted the stream with the Ultraviolet snippet?
  6. They played snippets since their shows were 11 songs long...
  7. They did snippets in Larry's kitchen
  8. (yes...been in stealth mode....audio only...glad I choose Diana)

    Being a live long fan of Miss You... I couldn't believe it..
  9. Hell, they used to play the same 3 songs to open and close shows.

    "Snippet this!"