2015-07-10 - Boston
Tour: Innocence and Experience tour
Songs played: 27
Audio recordings: 5
  1. wait...
  2. Damn, no Shine Like Stars
  3. COBL
  4. Bono needs to see the signs up for this one
  5. Yeah, I definitely prefer this.
  6. The encore sucks big time
  7. Yes, much work needed there.
  8. I'm standing by this song being unfortunately dead on this tour.

    Can't really be swayed against it at this point.

    Needs a rest, or better placement, or some livening up, or something.
  9. Originally posted by MattG:I'm standing by this song being unfortunately dead on this tour.

    Can't really be swayed against it at this point.

    Needs a rest, or better placement, or some livening up, or something.
    I agree.
  10. COBL needs a Rain snippet
  11. I agree, it's a great song, but it feels flat this tour