2015-07-10 - Boston
Tour: Innocence and Experience tour
Songs played: 27
Audio recordings: 5
  1. $15 each to double the screen size. Not a bad deal y'know
  3. Edge...
  4. Yeah I'm gonna go switch my laundry.
  5. You have 9 min tops
  6. Yeah I'll make it.
  7. Say what you will but I'm CRAVING to go F&%$#@G CRAZ Y during EBTTRT.
  8. Now Bono fucks ups
  9. if not You'll Go Crazy Tonight?
  10. One of those songs that's amaze-balls live

    But hearing it night after night on a stream...
  11. This song has become a rather mundane (though I love it so). But occasionally it catches me off guard and it feels special, like it's 2011 again.