2015-07-10 - Boston
Tour: Innocence and Experience tour
Songs played: 27
Audio recordings: 5
  1. I like the new way he sings "I kissed your lips and I broke your heart"
  2. I'm the devil... See my horns
  3. I did really love on ZooTV when Bono used to yell "HEY JUDASSSSSSS" right before the riff!
  4. YES. Another one of the live bits I can't avoid doing while listening to the studio tracks.
  5. I miss that "HEY JUDASSSSSSSSSS"
  6. If we were at the Boston show in '92 right now, we'd be getting ready for this to segue into Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses!
  7. If we were at that Boston show we'd be all drunk
  8. Everytime I hear the studio version now I sing this Love and Peace snippet
  9. Originally posted by MattG:If we were at the Boston show in '92 right now, we'd be getting ready for this to segue into Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses!
    Epic is ep..... hmmm wait