2015-07-10 - Boston
Tour: Innocence and Experience tour
Songs played: 27
Audio recordings: 5
  1. thanks for the feeds B (goodnight!)
  2. thanx for the pics and mixr it kept me from drop outs
  3. see you all later in about 30 mins got washing and shower to do:W
    goodnight big girl sweet sleep to you lol
  4. Wouw...no drop outs in wanderer? I got 3... wonder if I shall make a quick dump on u2 start...or just doze of... tomorrow there might be a perfect audience...

    GRRRRRReat concert!!!!! Best first night
  5. all I know is that we'll shine like stars in a summer night
  6. thank you...thionk indeed I gotta go...

    bye all
  7. fuck it yolo I'll be there soon when I am it goes off yolo
  8. thanks everyone for a great time
  9. put down your phone ....and rejoice with me
  10. Right, that's me done for the night