1. I love the NJ show... have the Police and U2 dvd's... Invisible Sun with Bono is just awesome
  2. And for that matter there is a pro-shot of the LA show! (not very good quality but whatever)
  3. I'm watching now U2_CR and nearly to Invisible Sun. One of the best moments was seeing Bono on the side stage waiting to join Police.

    Will have to check out LA one day.
  4. Originally posted by fragrant:I'm watching now U2_CR and nearly to Invisible Sun. One of the best moments was seeing Bono on the side stage waiting to join Police.

    Will have to check out LA one day.

    I've only found Sun City, MF, and Help from the LA show. Looking for the rest now.

  5. Just listened to it... Pride and Bad are really good
  6. Originally posted by fragrant:I was lucky enough to be at the NJ show in the GA, and was able to grab a DVD of the U2 and Police segments a handful of years ago. There's no question that this show was one of the most powerful and excellent performances that I've attended. Hope you've downloaded a boot you like since your post, haytrain. Very much worth it.

    This has to be the longest topic bump ever, over 5 years,

    I really like Conspiracy of Hope, but as I said 5 years ago, it's smaller than any tour leg so it's obvious why it doesn't get much hype or attention. Bono's outfits were awful by the way
  7. U2_CR thanks for the video posts! Will continue this cool flashback and give them a watch/listen.

    Woot!! Love the multiple 'thumbs up smiley guys', LikeASong. I couldn't help looking for Conspiracy of Hope material while listening to some older material and updating my profile. It's a personal favorite and really takes me back to my beginnings following the band. Bono, U2 and this tour for AI left a lasting impact and I really connected to that 'fire' in the performances.

    Hey, I still have a jacket nearly like Bono's. lol.

    I'd love for MTV to open their vaults and release more complete footage from the shows. I wonder what's out there.
  8. I flew to LA Show to see that show. It was my first U2 show. What a vibe! They were excellent. I remember the two girls coming up on stage and attacking Bono. I don't think he seemed to mind, tho. I have it somewhere on VHS (It's old) but the quality is not so great. I was also at the Giants Stadium show on the 15th of June. It was such a long, hot day. I remember MTV aired the entire show. I think I recorded all of that at the time. Hmmmm....I wonder where it is!
  9. which show bootleg would I get for this? ahaha I know absolutely nothing about thiis tour except that Bono's voice is glorious. that era inbetween TUF and JT vocally must've been Godly for those there!

  10. It's here:

  11. Originally posted by Genaro92U2:which show bootleg would I get for this? ahaha I know absolutely nothing about thiis tour except that Bono's voice is glorious. that era inbetween TUF and JT vocally must've been Godly for those there!

    Start with 6/15/86