1. opinions on U2's best leg of a tour, ever, going by their performances?

    or also, their best leg in terms of the complete quality of the bootlegs here on this site, judged by how the bootlegs are rated: audience, sound and performance.

    For my best leg, i'd have to put it down as being Leg 4 of Popmart.

    No idea on the best leg in terms of bootlegs

  2. Performance: Lovetown, all of them.
  3. Vertigo - Australia/NZ
  4. Zoo TV - Europe Indoor
  5. zoo tv indoor most definately.

    intense performances.
  6. ZooTV: Outside broadcast (US)
    JT: Leg 3
  7. Joshua 3rd leg
    Elevation 3rd leg and some of 2nd (Turin London Slane)
  8. no one rates leg 4 of pop?


    i also like the european zoo legs
  9. Quite a few. Leg 1 of ZooTV and Leg 1 of JT
  10. must to name also War north america leg .. Devore US festival and the Red Rocks just to say 2

    and every leg of Unforgettable is good to take
  11. Leg 4 of Unforgettable Fire Tour (Europe 85), Leg 2 of Lovetown (Europe 89), Leg 1 and 2 of Zoo TV (USA and Europe 92), Leg 3 of 360 (Europe 10).