1. Do you want a new nuclear war ???
  2. Don't know if I am allowed to share this, but I have never heard the 12" mix of this song before, sounds cool!
  3. Not the worst... California or SFS are worse, but CB is not my favourite too
  4. Someone is getting banned tonight.
  5. I... I'm going to come back when the nonsense subsides.
  6. California and Crystal Ballroom are two of my favourites... Paul, how could you? First Belfast, and now this.
  7. I guess I touched a nerve then. I just don't like it.

  8. CB is great

    I prefer the original, but the remix is also cool.
  9. I just don't like these three songs... If they put out Cal and SFS and put in Ordinary Love and Lucifer's Hands, it would be amazing album. Now it's just great