1. The Force Awakens...
    Spoiler (click to toggle)
    was absolutely amazing. It was everything I wanted it to be (a good SW movie that made me fall in love with the new characters and gave the old ones enough screentime) and everything I didn't know I wanted it to be (funny with witty banter). I loved the bromance between Poe and Finn, and I absolutely love Rey, she is my favorite!

    Double spoiler tag just in case: (DO NOT OPEN IF YOU HAVEN'T WATCHED)
    Spoiler (click to toggle)

    Seriously, don't open this:
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    RIP Han. Fuck you Kylo Ren/Ben.
    Although, Ben is probably the most interesting character so far, can't wait to see where that goes.

    Very interesting twists and I'm dying to see the next one already. Only 521 days until Episode XIII!

  2. Now you must watch Star War: The Third Gathers - The Backstroke of the West.

    Also, I saw Episode VII last night.
    Spoiler (click to toggle)

    It was an incredibly impressive movie. Of all the films, this one had the best flow BY FAR. The cinematography was amazing and the score is magnificent, retaining much of the style heard in the older films while also introducing new, fresh themes upon which to build.

    I like how the two prominent rising force-users, Kylo Ren and Rey are displayed as stark opposites of each other. Kylo is exceedingly emotional and lashes out in a way we haven't seen before in a Star Wars film. Alternatively, Rey is incredibly stoic in nearly all circumstances. Kylo's use of The Force is one that is burdened by the expectation of his bloodline and his fear of falling short of Vader. Meanwhile, Rey's exploration of The Force is almost artistic in nature. Plus, her development of Force powers is the fastest we've ever seen. I believe Rey is just one of such "Force awakenings". The movie did a great job of laying a lot of groundwork, so it's anybody's guess as to the direction they will take with it.
  3. Which side are you on?

    Dark Side or Light Side?

    I am a BIG Dark Side fan.
  4. I hope you all realize that every good review of this bad movie means the next ones will be even worse as the studio will take more control over the productions, please take a moment to understand what this does to the expectations of people who have brains, this franchise is all but doomed now,,,thanx lemmings
  5. Dark Side has really cool characters. Basically all of them.
    But I've always felt compelled to root for the light side. Also, the two new kids seem cool enough.
  6. Originally posted by patssox95:I hope you all realize that every good review of this bad movie means the next ones will be even worse as the studio will take more control over the productions, please take a moment to understand what this does to the expectations of people who have brains, this franchise is all but doomed now,,,thanx lemmings
    Obviously I won't get into all of that, but I really liked the movie.
    After the prequels (and I actually liked them) this was a huge upgrade.
    And as the first piece of a new trilogy, I think it works great, laying up the elements ready to develop them further and properly in the next couple of installments.

    About the expectations of people who have brains and all that stuff... I could easily agree that this is a "bad" movie (sure, it's a silly action film with plot holes and cheesy scenes and not really intellectual dialogues), but then I would have to say that actually ALL of the Star Wars movies are "bad". So I can't really see your point in there.
  7. Originally posted by patssox95:I hope you all realize that every good review of this bad movie means the next ones will be even worse as the studio will take more control over the productions, please take a moment to understand what this does to the expectations of people who have brains, this franchise is all but doomed now,,,thanx lemmings
    If this is a "bad" movie, I don't think any "good" movies exist.
  8. Fuck!
  9. Seeing it tomorrow!
  10. Watched it again yesterday.

    (I won't use spoiler tags; I'll try to not post spoilers, I won't post "the big ones" at least; but if you still haven't seen it and you want to know nothing then I can't promise anything )

    Yeah it's a good movie. Better than the first time I saw it, because the first time I was a bit more focused on the nostalgia and the "please don't fuck this up" factor than on the actual movie (damn, I insist that this is eerily similar to SOI), and the similarities with ANH were more evident and probably a bit cringeworthy.

    But the second time, I wasn't worried about not liking the movie, I didn't cared that much about the nostalgia, and I already knew that there were a lot of similarities in the story, so I just sat back and enjoyed it for what it was.

    First, I think that all the main youngsters (the 4 of them) had better performances than the youngsters in ANH. Specially Boyega. And watching a couple of interviews with him, he really added a lot to his character, because obviously there's a lot of his real life personality in Finn.

    The battle scenes are better, not necessarily "bigger" (which I think it was part of the problem with the prequels, confusing bigger with better), but better in terms of cinematography and camera management at least. The first sequence with the Falcon, including the 360° turn, is fantastic, and so are the X-wings in both of their battles. And the lightsaber fight in the snow is also great.

    But the most important thing for me it was that I got really interested in the new characters (and I didn't get that the first time I saw it because I was more focused on trying to see the old ones back).
    By the end of the movie I really was more interested in Finn's and Rey's and Kylo's stories than on whatever could happen to Han, Leia or Luke (or BB8's over 3PO and R2). This is a new story, and I think they managed to make it about them. I don't know what role would the old guys play in the next couple of movies, but I know that I don't really care about it anymore. This is Kylo, Rey and Finn's story now. And it's a good story.


    Side note, there's a scene in the movie that reminded me about the Han Shot First debate, imho it was there just to make a point about it... when in his ship, Han grabs one of the bad guys and "feeds" it to the Rathtar to slow it down. That's the kind of asshole that would've shot first and that we all know and love.
  11. Omg!

    Spoiler (click to toggle)
    Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father!
  12. I'm amazed you've lived as long as you have and never heard about this. I thought it was THE ultimate spoiler that everyone used metaphorically in regular conversation.