1. It certainly is. I might just get a bike...
  2. Going to see Guardians of the Galaxy later. John C. Reilly is supposed to be present (I have no idea why he's coming to a premier in a crappy little town like this.)
  3. Actually had a good time last night. Weird.
  4. Was John C. Reilly there?
  5. Hurt my wrist at work, because the previous person to do my job, did it half assed. Good times.
  6. What does your job involve, Aaron?

  7. Grillman at a McDonalds(yes it sucks, but lets be honest: Who had a great job in college?). Anyway I was cleaning the grill, and the last person to do it, did a poor job, which meant alot of carbon buildup around one of the hooks that holds the teflons on, so when I went to clamp it, my hand slipped, and I burned my wrist.
  8. Ouch.

    A job's a job at the end of the day. I'd take working in McDonalds over sitting around doing nothing.
  9. Originally posted by iTim:Ouch.

    A job's a job at the end of the day. I'd take working in McDonalds over sitting around doing nothing.

    Same here. I try to face all jobs with a positive attitude, and a good work ethic, and the idea, that I can only get something out of it, if I am willing to put something into it.