1. Hi, all!

    I never was satisfied with my first matrix of this great show.
    So, I did it again. For me, sounds very clear now and have now
    much more Live-feeling. I've changed the volume from wb in my new mix.
    10% more wb, less vortex242. I've also removed oversized bass and did
    a little EQ'ing. I was really happy that I've not lost the Data of the
    Time-settings. So it took not too much time to do the mix again.

    Samplesound you'll find in my first comment. I hope you'll like it!

    For all the bitching-Freaks: Have a nice day!

    Short Samples:



    You can find the lossless version in the torrent-section. I'm too lazy to do the lossy-Files. If you want mp3's you have it to do yourself.

    U2Freak999 aka Whatever
  2. Great show. I do prefer wb on its own though.
  3. Have a nice day, hhahaha, great great

    Thanks for remastering/rewhatever again, I'll download it just for Stay alone, best version in ages
  4. one of the best U2 shows ever (and not only because I was there ). Thanks a lot for your work on this - again - downloading right away and looking forward to put it to the speakers on full volume tonight when the house is empty

  5. Will definitely check this out!

    Thanks Timo!

  6. Thanks for other great matrix
  7. WB is the tapers nickname of one of the original recordings
  8. Quite possibly the best BD ever performed. Perfected 2009 European Arab intro with beautifully striking improvisation.

    While I do appreciate your work, I honestly don't find this matrix any better than WB. Edge's guitar is too quiet, for one thing.
  9. Originally posted by carlibengarli:Quite possibly the best BD ever performed. Perfected 2009 European Arab intro with beautifully striking improvisation.

    While I do appreciate your work, I honestly don't find this matrix any better than WB. Edge's guitar is too quiet, for one thing.

    I know that (coming from the vortex242 source). But sounds more clear and powerful to me. It's a matter of taste. Some people prefer the original wb-recording, other the matrix.
  10. Matrix for me, thanks.
  11. Link for full show?