1. Epic.
  2. Originally posted by LikeASong:I promised a few daysajo ghat I´d open a new topic to explain the greatness of thi song when i was drunkl... well, my mobile phine´s screen is too small and i dont want to to spend a lottotf time wuth this: anyway, STAIRSAY TO HEAVEN IS THE GREATEST SONG EVRT - NO MORE DISCUSSION ZLLOWED. See you all tmoorrow, long live u2start and everyone here.sorry for ghe possible incohrerence, i cant see much and it´s late. good nightt :w

    AHAHAHAHAHA OMG Sergio I love you! this is legend
  3. Kashmir is better, and I know Robert Plant agrees with me.
  4. As i said before, i don't know about Stairway To Heaven, but Stairsay To Heaven is definately a competetor for nr.1
  5. over-rated and has devil worshiping messages in it when played backwards

  6. Over rated it may well be but as for 'devil worshipping messages' that's not intentional and is just pareidolia which is the human tendency to see messages or images in otherwise random stimulus.

    Much like how people thought there were faces on the moon or how people see shapes in clouds.