1. No IEM recordings yet.
  2. Originally posted by theedge269:Have I just not been looking hard enough, or are there no Edge iem recordings from the new live shows? Maybe it's just early days yet?

    If there are it's not likely we'll see them before the tour ends.
  3. Added

    2015-07-31 i+e New York VIII (larryrulz) FLAC
  4. HI group,

    I don't post often but just chasing down a dream of finding recordings of shows I have been. I listened to the Toronto July 7 2015 recording by BART and Invisible runs for 16 mins, with ten mins of dead space that pushed this into 3 CDs.

    Thanks for all of your efforts and a great community and resources.
  5. Originally posted by albie333:HI group,

    I don't post often but just chasing down a dream of finding recordings of shows I have been. I listened to the Toronto July 7 2015 recording by BART and Invisible runs for 16 mins, with ten mins of dead space that pushed this into 3 CDs.

    Thanks for all of your efforts and a great community and resources.
    Have you downloaded it from our show pages?


    I just downloaded the Mediafire source and checked Invisible: it runs for 4:23 and goes straight into EBTTRT. Maybe you can try redownloading, that dead space might be due to an extracting or download error
  6. Interesting choice of words... for this is just the title of a [liberated] bootleg that surfaced on dime & u2torrents:

    (...and, for the record, I too do not recognize the problem of the Toronto 2 bootleg. All I know is that the taper shared mp3's of his recording exclusively to u2start, still to be found on the Toronto 2 show page... )
  7. Toronto 2 sounds great. No fault as a bootleg. The problem is that it was the Big Disappointment show where they wanted to play Crystal Ballroom and then scrapped it due to Edge's guitar receiver malfunctioning. Há!
  8. It must have been extraction issues. Thanks
  9. A new source popped up for Toronto 1. It's not very good but still worth sharing.
  10. Added a compilation torrent for the entire first leg, includes best recording of each show.