1. Can you open the "Trackers" page to find the exact error message? Which torrent did you download?
  2. I tried to download two torrents - Elevation TV appearances vol 5 and U2 on Saturday night live 2004-11-20 but I can't. My statistics are as follows

    Uploaded: 0 bytes
    Downloaded: 4.00 MB
    Ratio: 0
    Client: uTorrent/3230(28705)
    Connectable: No (Refresh)

    If I understand the rules right I have 5GB worth of downloading before ratio rules apply. So am I doing something wrong, or is there a problem with the torrents ?
  3. Is the download bar in your client green or red?
    As there's only 1 seeder now anyway, maybe he went offline and the into hasn't been updated yet.
  4. You mean the bar that goes from 0-100% when you're done downloading ?

    Elevation appearances is at 0,8% download, while Saturday night live is at 0%.

    EDIT : Elevation is now at about 7% so it+'s working now ! Just waiting for SNL to commence...
  5. Hopefully someone of the mods can help with this issue...

    I've tried to download the great "U22 The Show Never Done" by Mek Vox. I have started the download normally, but since it is a big file (15GB) my hard drive on the computer was having trouble with the memory while DL the torrent, so I stopped the download and begin a new download on my external disk. Now I'm getting the error from the tracker that "IP used multiple times by different accounts" ?

    Like I said I have aborted the 1st download and start another one (because of the chaneg of the destination folder on external disk) but with the same account (I only have one account open here).

    My ratio is 2.14 so I guess this is not a problem...

    Any assistance is appreciated since it's a brilliant torrent (watched already on YT)

    Many thanks in advance...


    two torrents - Elevation TV appearances vol 5 and U2 on Saturday night live 2004-11-20 but I can't. My statistics are as follows
  6. Unbanned, raised your ratio a bit to cover the inconvenience
  7. It works fine now, Risto. Thank you very much for your effort!!
  8. You are welcome
  9. Sorry to bother you again, Risto, but again I'm getting the same error from the tracker that "IP used multiple times by different accounts"?

    I'm stuck at 65%, so any help is appreciated...

    Many thanks in advance (again)...
  10. im also trying to download U22 The Show Never Done.

    "Failure: IP used multiple times by different accounts"

    i don't have mutiple accounts. im up to 80% and then suddenly got blocked...

    your statistics

    Uploaded: 11.57 GB
    Downloaded: 8.67 GB
    Ratio: 1.34
    Client: uTorrent/3000(26473)
    Connectable: No
  11. Should be resolved. Can you please confirm?
  12. Hi,
    Hope someone can help me with some torrent questions...
    My statistics info looks like this:
    Uploaded: 9.63 GB
    Downloaded: 0 bytes
    Ratio: Inf
    Client: uTorrent/(***left blank**
    Connectable: No (Refresh)

    However on my uTorrent program it states that the share ratio for this particular torrent is 6.377, the download is 1.43 GB and that the file that was uploaded is in fact seeding.

    Curious as to the discrepancy and if it will have any impact on the torrents I'd like to download in the future. What does 'Ratio: Inf ' mean and if I am not connectable (as indicated above) how is the torrent seeding on my end? Is there anything that I need to do to change the information so that it reflects the info on my u Torrent program?

    Also, there is a torrent I am interested in downloading, however the torrent states 'health 0, seed/leech 0/0.' Can I assume it is not downloadable? Is there any way to download a copy of this torrent? Do I need to contact the uploader?

    Many thanks!