1. Will Butler has recorded a Christmas song as a teaser for his upcoming album, "Policy", scheduled to be out in March 2015.

  2. July 5 at Razzmatazz, Barcelona
  3. do you have the new album of Butler? It's not so BAD :-)
  4. I think the Razzmatazz stage never had so many people on it Tim, Régine, Win, Richard, Will, Jeremy, Sarah, Owen Pallett, Stuart Bogie, Matt Bauder.

  5. Impressive

  6. I don't get it, why a few festival dates? Just to get out the studio, I guess.
  7. Lack of cash maybe?
    Serious, they were probably just craving to feel alive again in front of an audience. I wonder if they have been preparing a new album and we might hear something new soon?
  8. Will butler a year or two ago said arcade fire albums happen every three years.. Funeral 04, neon bible 07, suburbs 2010, Reflektor 13.. I'd put money on that something will happen again this year