1. Word is spreading fast on Twitter now, seems like this account is sharing photos that only U2 can share:

    Your thoughts?

    I think U2, and then probably Edge, is using this one, or one of the crew members. Sounds cool.

  2. Most definitely...just clicked on one pic where I saw a muddy pic of Edge, right in front of him in a car. I guess it's Edge who posts it.
  3. Just posted this in the Paris topic... pretty cool
  4. i was wondering if he had a page (runs over to twitter to follow the Edge)lol thanks for the info, and i like the idea of the band on twitter
  5. I wonder who that Colombian looking woman behind him is.
  6. that took him I thought edge would get into that whole twitterverse idea earlier. but hey, not complaining... following lol.
  7. Kinda looks like it's someone taking his photo with a blackberry in the reflection of his sunglasses maybe...?

  8. It is a Blackberry..U2Gigs Twit just reported most photos were taken on July 11, before the first Paris gig. EXIF reports a Blackberry. Will check out myself.
  9. Originally posted by MWSAH:[..]

    It is a Blackberry..U2Gigs Twit just reported most photos were taken on July 11, before the first Paris gig. EXIF reports a Blackberry. Will check out myself.

    Blackberry 8900, Edge's pic was taken at 11:57 local time.

  10. interesting, yet creepy how this can be found out lol