1. Vocals sound like Coldplay.......could be as Eno was involved and the album has a few morrocan influences...
  2. Its so much more flowing than a lot of the stuff on No Line.
  3. Looking forward to Songs of Ascent...this better be on there, whatever it is. It's awesome.
  4. folkes,
    confirmed by Gugui, intro song's name is KINGDOM...
    by the way here is a nice vid from today at Milan, video taken from twitter, posted by @u2, quoting U2log (I know, source is long, sorry):

  5. I need that intro!
  6. People, in that youtube clip above of guggi! Can anyone hear the strings kick in in the background whilst he says "god is in the house" - what song is that, its beautiful !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Watched it twice, but didn't hear any strings in the background!
  8. Originally posted by miller:People, in that youtube clip above of guggi! Can anyone hear the strings kick in in the background whilst he says "god is in the house" - what song is that, its beautiful !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That is "Sometime Around Midnight" by The Airborne Toxic Event. Very good band, love their debut album. They're gonna have a big future
  9. Markp91 - cant believe you've nailed that - true musical knowledge my friend, its a gift.

    ... I Thought I was good!