1. looks good :

  2. New: our last 10 Twitter messages will now also be displayed on our mobile site.
  3. Just wanted to add my big thanks to the folks responsible for the mobile version. You've done a great job. I'm using it on the iPhone and the screens load fast and render well, the navigation is dead simple. Well done.
  4. Originally posted by sonia_lastrega:Just wanted to add my big thanks to the folks responsible for the mobile version. You've done a great job. I'm using it on the iPhone and the screens load fast and render well, the navigation is dead simple. Well done.

    Thanks, glad you enjoy it!
  5. This will work on iPod Touch yeh as long as ya have wifi?
  6. for sure. works fine on my touch

    Great gettin a new iPod next month so just making sure thanks
  7. This works perfectly.on my itouch right now
  8. I have a blackberry
  9. Would it work on PSP?