1. any idea what it's gonna be about?
  2. Wish I could read it lol.
  3. Looks really cool. The shots of Paris , the burning motor and the cap of the band Looking forward to it.
  4. Crazy will not be in the film.
  5. Is this the film that comes with the Box Set of No Line On The Horizon?
  6. Ooo-didn't know it had color as well as b&w. I wonder if there's a story, or just some artsy exploration. Its anton, so i'm gonna love it either way.
  7. hmmmm...i thought this was going to be a more documentary style movie, a "making of NLOTH" of sorts....guess i just assumed that

    from the looks of this it's more of a hard days night or something, with a plot that involves the band somehow, along with live performances, etc

    should be interesting, not what i was hoping for though