1. Originally posted by alejandrocandelas:I like to think, that the Unknown Caller is God, and all the gospel stuff in the chorus is the actual form in which God explores communication, a technical language in many places and spaces, its an amazing song, from the beginning till the solo end, this one will be worth the ticket price on the tour, love it.

    I think you're right....probably been brought up before, but I'm assuming the "3:33" is in reference to Jeremiah 33:3 that was referenced on the cover of ATYCLB and Bono said was God's phone number.
  2. think its about departure and embracing ... bonos lyrics tend to be from a level of greater intelligence .... weird stuff but its like a journey to the great beyond and returning as something different lol ( hope that doesnt sound too spiritual )
  3. I think this is my favorite track off of the album.
    Parts of it have a very "Heartland" feel to me which I really love. And then that outro solo
    I love hearing Edge tear it up
  4. Rejected lyrics:

    Restart and forgive yourself
    Come back to me
    Shout for joy
    on every street
  5. The more i listen to this song, the more it's quickly becoming one of my favorite U2 songs. I don't even know how to describe this song honestly. I really really hope the guys get it together for the live shows because as much as i love it now i think it can even go to the next level in the live setting

  6. i like these lyrics. shoulda kept them. very romantic and blunt.
  7. Great topic, song and comments from everyone.
    I can't decide if this is my favorite from the album or is NLOTH, or MOS.
    Although, I "click" track 4 first when playing the CD.

    The great thing about this song, IMO, is just when you think it could after 4:30, Edge comes in with this killer riff that makes you listen to the next 90 seconds without vocals.
  8. I think this song will be epic live
  9. glad to see that there are people that actually like this song here - most reviews have rubbished the Mac references in the choruses.

    i think this song's the pits!
  10. I love this song. I wake up every day with it (yes, I've set it as my phone alarm )...

  11. it's their best wake up song indeed
  12. This song is still striking me. Best of the album along with Breathe!!