1. Originally posted by drewhiggins:And it looks like if you're playing through Real Player, you can actually record the track. That's great because I keep getting an error my sound card has no recording device set up if I wanted to record through Audition or Audacity - only at 32Kbps, but 32Kbps is better than absolutely nothing.

    Anyway, get ready - it's on here in 18 minutes!!!

    i thought 10mins????

  2. You're right. The computer time is completely out of whack. Must have been me messing around again.

    I'm gonna load the stream in about five minutes. No point listening to this horrible song what's playing now. Sounds repetitive.

    Hey! We can have a chat about terrible waiting music.
  3. i am here just in time ...
    before my children go back to school before the afternoon

    just 9 minutes to go
  4. am here, too wooh, the excitement!
  5. Originally posted by drewhiggins:[..]

    You're right. The computer time is completely out of whack. Must have been me messing around again.

    I'm gonna load the stream in about five minutes. No point listening to this horrible song what's playing now. Sounds repetitive.

    Hey! We can have a chat about terrible waiting music.

    lucky u realised then.
  6. I've just tuned in and ready to listen to the latest U2 offering. I have a strong feeling a de ja vu though. It was only a few weeks ago I was doing the same thing with Boots, but that was at 5pm. Now it's 10pm.
  7. Hopefully they don't cut the internet broadcast like the did last time, and only let Irish listeners hear it.
    Also the site might go down if everyone's trying to listen to the broadcast around the world.

    And what the hells up with this song, sounds Enoesque, like Fez
  8. this must ne the last terrable track before we're in buseness

    (really bad song )
  9. lol I actually liked the guitars just now on that one.. imagine that had been the new u2 tune, lol.

  10. Ooooh...like this song - Guns 'N Roses - Chinese Democracy!

    ''Even with an iron first, all I've got is precious time!!!'' Love it!!!