1. A question for CD purchasers here: how much would you pay for a used CD?
  2. £4 max, seen as most new ones can be bought for around £8 nowadays. really rare ones are an obvious exception.
  3. I pay £0.01 + £1.26 delivery from Amazon I'd pay no more than £2.50 for anything they predates 2000, 2005 even. Anything from 2005-2012 I'd maybe pay up to £4 if it's a CD I particularly want.
  4. I use the Amazon used section, just like Tim does.

    If I really want a CD, I'll pay full price for it. I've came to the conclusion that if I'm wanting CDs from the past, I may as well get them used. I've noticed that some HMV stores have started with a thing called 'swap/shop' that allows you to trade in CDs for £1 each. You can buy the used CDs for £2. Today I actually bought one: Jagged Little Pill by Alanis Morissette. I've heard it's an excellent album.

    But to answer your question, I'd echo what Dan said.
  5. You'd have heard right about Jagged Little Pill. It's a good album.

    Well the last albums then I'll have purchased for cheap are:

    Duran Duran - Medazzaland
    Jack White - Blunderbuss
    Madonna - MDNA
    Arcadia - So Red The Rose

    All for the price of one new album here in Australia.
  6. Well done for buying Blunderbuss. Best album of the year so far.
  7. Extremely cheap too if I don't say so myself. And none of the 'buy more to get more tracks' bullshit.
  8. Pearl Jam - Yield

    I never got around to buying it, now it was on sale, so I had to get it!
  9. I don't want second hand CDs, when I can get them new, discounted for 5euro. How much did you pay for Yield?

  10. I think it was €4,99
  11. ^ Will do. I'm very curious as to what it's like. Given it's a real Nick Rhodes-driven album, I bet I'll love it - he and Trent Reznor are the reason I got into synths, self-production and keyboards.

    I should clarify the Jack White album is currently being bid on for 99 cents total from Hong Kong. No matter the price or where it is, as long as it's rippable and in English.