1. Originally posted by iTim:The amount of time I spent on Musewiki as a youngster...more than I've ever spent here in my years as a member. What a great resource it is.


  2. I have a somewhat older stereo system in my car that lacks an auxiliary input but does play mp3 CD's. I tend to put vast amounts of music (well, up to 700Mb) on a single disc for the car. Anyway, I have 955.5Mb of Muse studio tracks to split over two discs, I suppose.

    So the million dollar question:
    Do I put all the b-sides at the end of Disc #2 or do I separate them and put them after their corresponding album? I can't believe that relatively "even split" in terms of size would be 1999-2002 (455Mb) and 2003-2012 (500Mb).
  3. Last year they played some b-sides and bonus tracks in Tokyo. There is great bootleg of that show. Started with Agitated then Dead Star... Ad also Futurism, Fury, etc... in setlist. Amazing show!
  4. Looking back at Muse's latest album, The 2nd Law, I realized that aside from one or two songs that I listen to on occasion, I was not very impressed with what they had to offer at that time. Their Live from Rome CD was very impressive mainly because their classic songs carried the day.

    Also, I want to know how many on-the-side Muse fans want them to move on from their "experimenting with dubstep" phase.
  5. I don't mind them to experiment and those two tracks at the end are good, I didn't like Madness. But anyway 2nd law is for me better than Resistance. Even if MK Ultra is one of the best songs they've ever done.
  6. I only started listening to them a few years ago (around 2009) but I definitely prefer the earlier stuff.

    I don't care much for the most recent two albums.
  7. I'm with Matt, although I started listening to them in 2006. Much prefer the older Muse. I don't think I even got through a full listen of 2nd Law, but I do have a soft spot for Follow Me.
  8. I prefer earlier stuff too, but some new songs are good too... But they want to return to early records harder sound on following album and it's promising. I love their almost metal things like Dead Star, Agitated, Stockholm etc...
  9. Originally posted by RUMMY:I've OD'd on U2 (and, yes, PJ) recently and thought I'd explore the Muse b-side collection.

    Holy smokes, they have a lot! I'm counting about 30 non-album tracks - and that's before Absolution was released! The number seems to dwindle quite a bit afterwards.

    They do have some awesome bsides. Glorious, eternally missed, fury, all album worthy and s bunch of others. I hated the 2nd Law (besides Animals which is fantastic) so I'm hoping the next one gets back to basics. They are all such great musicians and its a shame to cover all that talent up with orchestras and dub stub garbage.
  10. I don't know much about the band's overall attitude to how they make their music but (I can't help but state once again that) their progression reminds me of Radiohead's - a band that seems to have moved on from the straight ahead, Rock N Roll way of doing things. Both bands seem to want to keep pushing forward as opposed to taking a step back to more familiar, fan-friendly ways.

    As an afterthought, Radiohead's In Rainbows seemed to be a bit of "back to basics" approach so I guess it is possible with Muse.
  11. Fillip is a fun song - I'd never taken that much time to pay attention to it until just now.
  12. Originally posted by iTim:I'm with Matt, although I started listening to them in 2006. Much prefer the older Muse. I don't think I even got through a full listen of 2nd Law, but I do have a soft spot for Follow Me.

    When have I written this post?