1. Originally posted by U2starterjust some pics....

    This is how it looks when people don't learn english and buy t-shirts to their kids...

    a new way of drawing beer, from Germany:


    HAHAHAHAHA Welcome to America kids!
  2. OpYo-9ESjA8

  3. Some funny things there AllBecauseOfU2
  4. well, I have 2 jewels for you:

    > >>>A lady walks into Tiffany's. She browses
    > >>> around, spots a beautiful diamond bracelet and walks
    > >>> over to inspect it. As she bends over to look more
    > >>> closely she inadvertently breaks wind.
    > >>>
    > >>> Very embarrassed, she looks around nervously
    > >>> to see if anyone has noticed her little accident and
    > >>> prays that a sales person doesn't pop up right now.
    > >>>
    > >>> As she turns around, her worst nightmare
    > >>> materializes in the form of a salesman standing
    > >>> right behind her.
    > >>>
    > >>> Cool as a cucumber and displaying complete
    > >>> professionalism, the salesman greets the lady with,
    > >>> 'Good day, Madam. How may we help you today?'
    > >>>
    > >>> Very uncomfortably, but hoping that the
    > >>> salesman may just not have been there at the time of
    > >>> her little 'accident', she asks, 'Sir, wha t is the
    > >>> price of this lovely bracelet?'
    > >>>
    > >>> He answers, 'Madam, if you farted just looking
    > >>> at it, you're going to shit when I tell you the
    > >>> price.'

    and last but not least:

    Little Sean’s dad was a farmer in a poor district of the
    country. One day his Uncle John came to visit. Since there
    were limited accommodations, he was required to sleep with
    his young nephew, Little Johnny.

    When Uncle John came into the bedroom, he saw the Little
    Johnny kneeling at the side of the bed with his head bowed.
    Thinking this was the child's religious upbringing, he
    decided to present a good example and kneeled at the other
    side of the bed with his head bowed.

    Little Johnny looked up and said, "Whatcha doin'?"

    "Why, the same thing you're doing", replied Uncle John.

    "Ma's gonna be mad", said Little Johnny. "The pot's on this side".

    I hope you enjoyed!!
  5. Originally posted by JohnnyVOXX

    ok, first one was hilarious!!

    The second one...funny and
  6. Originally posted by Ali709[..]

    ok, first one was hilarious!!

    The second one...funny and

    glad you like'm!!
  7. Originally posted by Ali709[..]

    ok, first one was hilarious!!

    Agree. Very good...
  8. Originally posted by ElisaWhat is he thinking:


    So you are saying that beef jerkey is better than playing guitar??

    That is the funniest thing ive seen all day lol
  9. I was watching this episode of the simpsons today...it had this parody of Godfather, which, as I LOVE the scene in the original movie, I loved it even more on the simpsons (sorry, couldn't find it in english, but the scene is from 0:25 which doesn't involve any dialog!)

  10. Originally posted by Ali709I was watching this episode of the simpsons today...it had this parody of Godfather, which, as I LOVE the scene in the original movie, I loved it even more on the simpsons (sorry, couldn't find it in english, but the scene is from 0:25 which doesn't involve any dialog!)
    Awesome!! I alreaddy have seen it (of course, we all have seen almost all the chapters) but it's so great to re-watch it
  11. Originally posted by LikeASong[..] Awesome!! I alreaddy have seen it (of course, we all have seen almost all the chapters) but it's so great to re-watch it

    haha...actually it was the first time I saw this episode, that's why I enjoyed it so much! I specially like the ending when they close the door again and Lisa looks around angry!