1. Originally posted by benzimm:Another tweet from Reeve Carney:

    Wow, what a day... Just wrapped at the studio, recording with Bono, Edge and @Sillywhite. Hey Steve, did we have fun, or what?!

    So maybe Bono/Edge will be on the soundtrack...

    would be nice if they were considering they wrote everything, but i dont't think Larry and Adam would be happy.

  2. Same here! Don't really care for Boy Falls From The Sky. Like the song, I just didn't like the way that Reeve sang it on GMA, or maybe that's just me
    But loved what they did on Letterman, makes me more excited for the musical! 4 more months!!!
  3. This whole thing is getting even more ridiculous by the day, all the time and musical inspiration Bono and Edge put into this project coulda gone into music for U2 and then they'd actually have sumthing to show for it.
  4. even if it is going to be good eventually, which I rather doubt at this point, I'm not sure it will be worth the time and the money...
  5. There's a long history of people who ended up crushed by their giantic projects. Perhaps Bono and Edge could learn from Beady Eye. Small scale, very good product, no waste of time and money...
  6. New leaked footage!

  7. So they are going to perform on American Idol

    "So I can tell you now. Bono Edge and Reeve Carney on American Idol Wednesday singing first single from Spider-Man !" - Sillywhite
  8. Originally posted by SonerMulder:So they are going to perform on American Idol

    "So I can tell you now. Bono Edge and Reeve Carney on American Idol Wednesday singing first single from Spider-Man !" - Sillywhite

    I am interested in this. I wonder what they are singing? And will Bono and Edge be featured on this "single" if it is released?