1. Or they can afford to go but their wives won’t let t them!!
  2. Only four more shows then and that's it.

  3. Makes sense. Would they really want to be tied to Nevada and California for another year? Maybe Larry will come on stage the last show for the final bow
  4. Odd there isn't a weekday show!
  5. I was thinking about hitting one more, but those are close enough to my already scheduled show that I think I'll just leave it be. Putting in for some Phish tix though
  6. I suppose there is potential to add these in if they really want to without causing too much fuss, as they would not be beyond the final night.
  7. Originally posted by U2nick88:[..]
    I suppose there is potential to add these in if they really want to without causing too much fuss, as they would not be beyond the final night.
    *Final 4*
  8. How are they going to ventilate The Sphere once Phish fans get in?
  9. So this might be a stupid question that's already been answered 1,000 times.

    If I sign up for a u2.com membership NOW will I be able to participate in the presale for these final shows? I gotta get those floor tickets!