1. I hope I win the jackpot so I can see the show in Vegas
  2. U2 just posted a video of EBTTRT on Facebook. So i think no announcement today

  3. IMO: If Larry were back, they would be in the studio with a proper tour looming. If this turns out to be true, it means LMJ is still healing.
  4. Should be interesting to see if the demand keeps up. Unsurprisingly, once it starts to wane, I presume they stop adding more shows.

    Can't help but wonder if there really are 12 x 18,000 more people (ignoring those who go multiple times) who will travel to Vegas to see this. As a pretty big U2 fan who hears about all their critics, I feel my vision of them is quite distorted - a lot of pushing and pulling.
  5. If they keep this going for long enough for Larry to have a go then I'd bite. Ideally, after March. As it is though, I remain at peace with sitting this one out.
  6. I haven't read much about the Sphere in London. Would it be capable of doing U2-UV justice or is the Vegas one on another level?
  7. The Sphere in London will be identical to the one in Vegas
  8. According to wikipedia it still has to be approved
  9. Yeah, it'll be a while before U2 could use it!
    Maybe Larry will be better by then!
  10. For love or money money money money money money?
  11. It's estimated to take 3 years to build. Larry should be fine by then