2018-05-04 - St. Louis
Tour: Experience and Innocence tour
Songs played: 27
Audio recordings: 1
Videos: 1
  1. well they don't have guinness...they only have microbrew.........any chance we can pick a real Irish pub instead?
  2. Game for whatever as long as the company is good.
  3. I hope I can still get in, as I have 2 more months before I am 21

    I do have some expired ID's though
  4. who can suggest a real Irish pub? I can see them on Google map but don't know what is good.....Sorry about the microbrewery, i am sure it's great but I want Irish when U2 is in town.
  5. Looks like a Maggie O'brien's close to there as well
    2000 Market St, St. Louis, MO 63103
  6. So if we go by JT30 logic this should be the best show of the tour setlist wise?
  7. I wonder if they drop some JT3O just got STL.
  8. Just for STL.
  9. Maggie Obriens sounds great! Remy can you go here instead of the other place and make this the U2 fan meeting place on Thursday? jm garrison too? 7 pm Thursday guys?
  10. Originally posted by peatiedog:Maggie Obriens sounds great! Remy can you go here instead of the other place and make this the U2 fan meeting place on Thursday? jm garrison too? 7 pm Thursday guys?
    Yeah as long as I can get in I will for sure go.
  11. I had just paid for my ticket to see the arch when they canceled last year. Saw the arch and bolted town after the police warned our hotel manager things might get dicey. Everyone was real accommodating and friendly even gave refunds on hotel because of the situation. This should be a makeup date of sorts and include something special.