2018-05-02 - Tulsa
Turnê: Experience and Innocence tour
Músicas tocadas: 29
Gravações de áudio: 1
Vídeos: 1

  1. The Experience and Innocence tour will hit Tulsa, Oklahoma.
    This topic is for all discussions pre, during and post-show!

    2018-05-02 - Tulsa, Oklahoma - BOK Center

    Will you be at any of the E+I shows? Click on the date, and then add yourself to the list of attendees.

    Coverage from U2start
    We will be there as well representing by some crew members, and we'll provide you extensive coverage via Twitter and Instagram mainly, with some bigger updates through our Facebook. Make sure to follow us where you can

    Other relevant topics
    We have a topic dedicated to this tours rehearsals + rumours.
    A topic for setlist predictions.
    And a general tour topic, spoiler free.

  2. Had a look at ticket sales for this earlier on Ticketmaster. Still loads of tickets left (not including re sale ones). Not sold very well!

    EDIT: Pinks are resale.
  3. Originally posted by SJKamal:[image]
    Had a look at ticket sales for this earlier on Ticketmaster. Still loads of tickets left (not including re sale ones). Not sold very well!

    EDIT: Pinks are resale.
    HAHAHA holy crap, what a debacle.
  4. will be interesting to see whether and how far the prices will drop shortly before the show...
  5. I hope the scalpers get stung badly!
  6. this is exciting
  7. Why do they sell seats behind the stage in the US ?
    That has to be one shite experience
  8. They do the same in Europe too
  9. Better than the opposite end.
  10. The boot for this show will have to be called "Where the fuck are we ?"