1. Originally posted by markp91:[..]


    And what to think of Wild Horses? (sorry Harry )
    The album version really sucks, but it's a cool song live

    The album version doesn't suck, its as good as the live versions in many cases. Has cool guitar, which they replaced with dull acoustic guitar on the temple bar remixes, made it sound like another country song. On the album it was like an' electric country song' much more interesting.
  2. Studio version of Miami. I'd rather hear the Queens speech on repeat than hear that song (and I'm an Irish man).

    Live though.......
  3. Originally posted by germcevoy:Studio version of Miami. I'd rather hear the Queens speech on repeat than hear that song (and I'm an Irish man).

    Live though.......


  4. *spontaneously combusts*

    You have no taste.
    Originally posted by germcevoy:Studio version of Miami. I'd rather hear the Queens speech on repeat than hear that song (and I'm an Irish man).

    Live though.......

    As an Englishman, I'd rather hear studio version Miami...although I do agree about it live. Uber...
  5. Originally posted by markp91:[..]


    And what to think of Wild Horses? (sorry Harry )
    The album version really sucks, but it's a cool song live

    Ik like the studio version of Wild horses

  6. Hello!!!
    Do You Feel Loved? !!!!!

  7. Originally posted by markp91:[..]


    And what to think of Wild Horses? (sorry Harry )
    The album version really sucks, but it's a cool song live

    First The Fly and now this outburst!?? That's the last straw!

  8. Originally posted by redguitaronfire:[..]

    It means "Progress through technology" (or something close, free translation, ya know). Actually is a slogan, like all the verse-phrases in that song ("Fly the friendly skies", "Eat to get slimmer", "A bluer kind of white").

    The worst U2 song is Some Days Are Better than Others. Too long, repetitive and superficial. I think no one has ever missed it live.

    If anyone's interested I can specifiy the more direct translation to "Advantage/lead (being ahead) through technology".
  9. Miami and The First Time

  10. Well, he clearly dislikes it lol, and you can't criticise his opinion per se - I'm with you though, it's one of my favourites.