1. Amazing performance! Can't wait for the rest of the show!

  2. You guys should check this guy's records, especially the last one (The appearance of color). Amazing stuff.
  3. If the closer isn't from SOE, absolutely. Think it'd be a great choice. If it is from SOE, I'd love to hear Love Is Bigger or Little Things close.
  4. omg, i almost cry listening this version... perfect
  5. His hair looks fine here, but if he only would change the glasses..
  6. Sadness... BBC iPlayer only works in the UK. Sorry, it’s due to rights issues.
  7. Thank you very much, Remy.
  8. Originally posted by RattleandHum1988:[..]
    Jeez. I'd be okay if only the new stuff was "televised" and the rest was for the "benefit" of those who attended.

    U2 needs to grow a pair and stop hiding behind their hits. Part of the reason people are tired of them is because they're tired of these songs.

    Really? I know I can be negative, and sure, I would throw a party if they ever announced they would never play "Beautiful Day" again, but it seems like the mix of old to new songs was pretty good, and probably more focus on the new songs than most acts their age. Yes, I am sick of Bono's garble and crackle until he shines in the chorus, but I deal with it!
  9. If anybody wants a snack give me a shout