Experience and Innocence tour
Legs (3): Promo tour, Leg 1: North America, Leg 2: Europe
Shows: 79
  1. Looks like u2.com got the lyrics wrong to a song again unless I’m missing something. ‘all the promises we made’ as opposed to ‘all the promises we make’. Nothing to do with the band of course just think it’s funny when the official site can’t get it right. Making the comment on this thread since it’s in relation to the amazing abbey road version of all I want is you.
  2. Originally posted by deanallison:Looks like u2.com got the lyrics wrong to a song again unless I’m missing something. ‘all the promises we made’ as opposed to ‘all the promises we make’. Nothing to do with the band of course just think it’s funny when the official site can’t get it right. Making the comment on this thread since it’s in relation to the amazing abbey road version of all I want is you.
    U2.com is usually the last place I consult for U2 lyrics.
  3. They’ve got some shockers on the website that I still don’t think have been fixed from years ago.
  4. I find studio MLK a bit cringe worthy.
  5. Originally posted by Remy:[..]
    The whole show is on the previous page though

    Listened to it during work today. Quite enjoyable. Good atmosphere.

    I thought it was a fun interview but Howard really was trying to make a story out of Bono hating his father it seemed.
  6. Originally posted by Bloodraven:Haven't seen Own Way, but I thought American Soul was pretty good.

    And I think the megaphone is a valid resource.
    I thought it was put in good use 2 years ago in Bullet, and I don't see a problem using it for the YouAreRockNRoll shout, cause it's not really singing but shouting, just like it was back in Bullet's speech.
    The Megaphone has run its course. I cringe when I see it, but no matter how silly it looks, It does not really bother me that much.

  7. Berlin underground now and on sky news
  8. Someone needs to burn every megaphone within a 6378 km radius of Bono.
  9. The Bonophone (TM) adds absolutely nothing to the live performance. I get the impression Bono is a little kid who just discovered that a megaphone makes your voice sound different and so he's trying to shoehorn it into the live show any way he can.
    It doesn't help that it's used on two of the weakest new songs, Goo and American Soul.

    Anyone still have the bin of shame lying around? Dump that megaphone right on top.